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16 Tales of the South Pacific

2024-10-07 10:32:08      点击:560

They’re hard to get to and sometimes even harder to get around, but the various islands scattered around the South Pacific are a goldmine for the determined explorer—even the armchair explorer, especially since some of these places are close to impossible (or actually impossible) to visit. Here, vast expanses of ocean allow cultures and beliefs to evolve in relative isolation, landscapes take on an otherworldly character, and relics of various battles for dominion over the world abound. Out on many of these islands, life can take on a much slower—sometime maddeningly slower—pace. But if you make it there, you’ll encounter a lot of smiles, encouragement to take it easy, and some of the greatest scuba diving in the world. 

North Korea's UN envoy slams Israel over Palestine
UN gives green light for North Koreans to travel to Vietnam