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Today in conservative media: Liberals are melting down over the FCC and net neutrality.

2024-10-07 10:50:19      点击:152

Today in Conservative Media is daily roundup of the biggest stories in the right-wing press.

Conservatives celebrated the FCC’s overturning of Obama-era net neutrality rules on Thursday. The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro mocked liberals arguing the decision could usher in the end of the open internet. “In an event that marked the end of Western civilization and the simultaneous destruction of capacity for human happiness,” he began, “the FCC voted 3-2 to end net neutrality on Thursday.”

On the one hand, there are those who argue that the current ISP oligopoly that exists in many areas of the country must be curbed to prevent monopolistic practices; on the other hand, there are those who argue that regulating ISPs as public utilities prevents new, small ISPs from entering the market, and stops current oligopoly beneficiaries from investing in new technology to forestall such competition. Ajit Pai, current head of the FCC, argues that “among our nation’s 12 largest Internet service providers, domestic broadband capital expenditures decreased by 5.6%, or $3.6 billion, between 2014 and 2016, the first two years of the Title II era.” For making this point, Pai has been subjected to serious threats to safety.
This is a reasonable debate. Here’s what’s not reasonable: the suggestion that your internet use is likely to change radically from what it was in 2015, before net neutrality went into effect. Here’s what else isn’t reasonable: people of the Left who think that Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter operate fine in the free market, and that consumers don’t have to worry about discrimination thanks to open competition, but that the same doesn’t apply to ISPs.

RedState’s Brandon Morse dialed up the comedy. “When it was announced the Obama’s Net Neutrality restrictions had been repealed, I quietly shut down my computer, kissed my dog on the head, and with tears in my eyes, waited for the end,” he wrote. “I’m not sure how much time passed by. Was it five minutes? Ten? I’m not sure. Time kind of slows when you’re waiting for the apocalypse to rain its Republican driven fury upon you.”

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TheGateway Pundit listed tweets threatening and hurling racial attacks at FCC commissioner Ajit Pai in the wake of the decision. “These threats and racial slurs have been up for hours on Twitter,” the Pundit’s Cristina Laila wrote. “Twitter allows these types of vile tweets towards conservatives, but if you are a Trump supporter, Christian and or a conservative, Twitter will ban you for no good reason.”

In other news:


Multiple outlets ran posts about Tavis Smiley’s response to the suspension of his PBS show over sexual harrassment allegations. Smiley has claimed he is being accused over a consensual relationship. “It’s impossible to know at this point who is telling the truth here, but if Smiley’s account is true, then he is right to resist, and to resist publicly,” the American Conservative’s Rod Dreher wrote. “If it’s true that he’s not even being allowed to know who’s accusing him, and it’s true that he had to learn of this investigation through the grapevine, that’s outrageous.”

Breitbart’s Joel Pollak compared the situation to assault allegations on campus:

What Smiley experienced is exactly the sort of kangaroo court process that students have been experiencing on college campuses for the last few years.
President Donald Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos ended that policy in September, outlining new rules that grant due process to students accused of sexual misconduct while still protecting the safety and dignity of victims. But the Obama-era rules persist in several states, where they were codified into law by overzealous Democrats.
It is impossible to dismiss the accusations against Smiley without knowing the facts. Regardless, he has likely been a victim of an unfair process. He warns that in the rush to protect women (and men) from abusers, we risk criminalizing legitimate relationships between consenting adults.
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